Creative Circles vs. When Is It Done?

I have half an art degree. This means that about the time someone tried to teach me how to come up with a logo even if I wasn't in the mood, I switched my major to Communications. There isn't a degree for Oracle at any reputable institution I can find.  You do what you gotta do.

I like to wait for inspiration to create art.  I may be coming to the end of a dry season, thanks to a pile of awesome and creative people I know, people who know how to tap the Universe and dispense it to the rest of us in seemingly innocuous ways.  Mari Sloan is one.

Mari takes pictures of her world and shares it - her world - with us. I want some Mari Glasses, because I swear everything is joy for her. I don't need Mari Glasses as long as she keeps sharing.  She took a great portrait of turnips.

This turned into one of those moments where I say something, and somebody says Make It Happen, and my muse says, "Yeah. This is how you're gonna do that."

So last weekend I started painting the turnips. It is a really grand thing when the vision is complete and you can start to work on it. I had it fully blocked out the first night, and fleshed the second.  Another Treasured Person asked - possibly demanded - update photos of my progress.  So I sent them.

I went to investigate Neurofeedback this weekend. In the course of the interview I mentioned this blog. What's it about?  No, I'm asking you readers.  What is this blog about?  I told Cynde this: "It's about whatever pours out of my head." Like all things that pour out of my head, I assume it's adding up to something.  I told her that, too, more vaguely in fewer words. She thought it was a good idea to post my painting progress on the blog.

"Nobody Wants Anybody To See That!" I protested, laughing. You know that laugh: the defensive one where you're denying they stuck the pin in the donkey's arse.  I think Cynde has a good idea that I haven't fully grokked yet. I am fighting myself against any possible validation. Art's not valid - dinnae ya ken that?

I never think it's a good idea to ask the Artist what they were thinking.  The Artist wants you to find your own joy in the open-ended question they've presented to you. Use your own Glasses.

But just so you don't have to ask, here it is. Enjoy.

Buy a Print here.  If you want something in a different size, on a mug, or on something else Zazzle provides, send me a message. 


  1. I love you, Deb. You have a beautiful mind, and one that often surprises me in its intuitive, comprehensive, and researched understanding of the Universe. You a person who inspires me. I am deeply honored. And yes, the photos are the easiest way I have to communicate. And turnips turned out to be "kewl!" (You know, the outdated way of saying "cool." :-) So much easier than writing.


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