Hatnanigans - Commissioning Ugly
It's cold in my cube. Doods. I lost my famously ugly winter hat. Yeah, the one I got at Salvation Army in Kalamazoo, hand-knit by somebody's granny. The one John saved for me when I lost it at the pool hall. The one I expected to signal my existence if the creepy clown wants to find me . This hat. I've been having a hard time working without it. I hit all the thrift stores in a 5-mile radius and went home disheartened. I tried eBay, struggling with keywords that would find me the ugly bucket of my dreams: double thickness reversible hand knit winter hat eBay was unable to help me at all. So I went to our favorite search engine which starts with a colorful letter G , and I was helpfully redirected to Etsy . I should have known. But these hats were cute, and expensive (read: more than $5.00; more than $10.00.) And I wasn't finding any that were two-sided....oh. I forgot to search "reversible." Boom. Michell of CrochetAndThingsCo is my Kni...