A Hanging at High Noon - Does This Smile Make My Natural Bitchface Look Big?

The deed is done; the art is hung. I'm officially live and public.

It's weird to see my ugly babies outside of home. I go to my usual weekend hangout and they're hanging out, among strangers and draped over tables, no looks of recognition toward me. Like teenagers. I wonder if they smoke and drink with their friends when I'm not around.

Pieces are numbered 1-14 from the front door to the back corner; Jennifer had me call out titles so she could write them down for pricecards. This was weird, too.  Titling is exceeding difficult for me. I had to take ownership of what I'd assigned to my babies, call them by their names. It gave me a feeling of...legitimacy, maybe?...something I haven't yet digested. Definitely I've done a real thing here, and I will do it again. It'll be easier next go-round.

In the meantime, I'm at the laundromat doing what's amassed while I made decisions and wrangled hardware for 3 weeks.  A lady here is wearing a shirt I think I'd donated to the thrift store. It looks nice on her. I took pictures of a crow who perched on a stop sign and yelled at me. He then hopped to the ground and peered under my car like I took his sandwich. Maybe I did.

I wonder if my house will feel empty when I get home. No matter - I've got works in progress and a million ideas clamoring to be born.

Reception is Sunday, July 28, from 2-4 PM at Beanetics Coffee Roasters - 7028 Columbia Pike in Annandale, VA.  The show runs until August 19. You don't have to wait for the reception - come over.


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