
Showing posts from September, 2020

If you miss me... Twitch vs. Live Guitar in my Studio

Good News: One of the side-effects of social distancing is that we're learning internet savvy (hashtag amirite?) It's good for us old dogs to learn new tricks. Thanks to the DanFam™  I'm now visiting Twitch several times a week...     You: But that's a gamer thing... Me: Oh, but that's not all! Last night I watched @glassMoonman blow glass pipes... I've been watching Dan Navarro live-stream from his living room on Saturdays. In an effort to convince myself that this is a gamer thing, I also found @Lauzeta Folk and visit them a few times a week for Garrotíns.  I also regularly leave @GuitarShreda practicing while I work - Twitch is a place where a lot of classical guitarists stream their practice. And then there's @JonComposer , who doesn't sing but composes live with his interactive audience. Right now I'm hanging out with @ThirdFretCapo  and it seems to be a holiday - everyone's gifting subscriptions to each other. I finally got what I wante...

Yardwork Zen: Making Progress vs. Looking like Progress

detail - The Typists - poison ivy lower left You take a few in-between moments to check social media,{current news/facebook rants/stats on Medium} to see if you're (still) relevant. It's readily-available dopamine. Over time, those stats equate to oxytocin synthesis if they continue to mount. I check my business email regularly while I seek a paycheck; I'm online to find editing clients, pimp out my illustration skills, work out logistics for another art exhibit. Between moments I tend the yard.  I'd do it anyway, but I'm compensated by a rent reduction and I am grateful. There's a lot of work that needs doing here. We got 2 weeks of rain and the grass got almost calf-high. I had to make several passes of incrementally closer shave to get the lawn back to maintenance level. Some areas of the yard grew tall weeds, and these need to be taken back manually. I know I'll find boulders and stumps in those areas. And bees. I got stung twice this week. The poison iv...

Patreon vs. Learning to Read - A Trifecta.

Sticky co-shenanigation by @but_I_tigress on Twitter I'm sinking in Blursday, y'all. I want to make the best use of my unemployed time; at the moment a lot of that is deprogramming from the last day job. I will be fresh and malleable by the time I find a new gig. I'm also trying to re-structure (because o-r-g-a-n-i-z-e is a scary word) the "projects" I hope will segue into respectable work: editing, painting, sculpting, writing poetry, fiction, and nonfiction. I've got a really big plate. Patreon is a great way to support artists if, as Diana Gonzalez says , you don't want or are unprepared to purchase their work. Going forward, my Patreon account will be family-friendly and focus on my creative endeavours. All the bullshit will be here .  Hey, mom! I'm learning to c-o-m-p-a-r-t-m-e-n-t-a-l-i-z-e. At least that's the direction I'm aiming the mower. All this juggling means my toggle is broken again; hence the blur. I know tha...