Things People Say About Me
Here is a list of things actually said about me:
(disclaimer: this page is not a testament to me, but to all the awesome people I meet on my journey. Also, I just typoed "meat", possibly in a Freudian sense.)
You are a gallery, not just a storage area.
You're not as Okie as I'd thought...

fuck you for being smart! (this was an editing client)
If you lived in Florida, you would be a reality TV star, even if you declined the job.
you always said you remain your best source of entertainment. Now you're your best source of earworm
Realizing that Deb lays poetry bombs …
| Words are | indeed | carefully | consid | ered at | this time |
(editor's note: so that's a yes, then.)
An enticing whisper from a fog shrouded alley For good or evil
...We Should Follow deb Ewing Yes, even into the Dead Sea…
making you smile/ is like dark prayer
well NOBODY LIKES you, but we mostly love you!
come on over - I'll wear my strongest trousers 💪😅
You are gifted at giving.

You understand rhythm…
don't know whether to be envious of all the things you've been through....
Do it. Make everyone a poet.
we'd play Cuando los angeles lloran again for you... 💛
Thanks. You make me feel normal.
" Every time I see random chairs I think of you "
Who Is Deb Ewing?
You're A Storm That Came Out of Nowhere And It's Still Warm Out And Everyone's Laughing And Jumping In Puddles
awa an bile yur heed
Anytime you can use “scattier” in a sentence, you win!
I stand devoted and confused.
You'd prefer to be feral though I suspect you're more tarnished in ways of domestication; beyond jaded; the silver's gone black but the heart is pure sterling (it's that dirty copper that makes you hard and reactive to oxygen)
"It's like you somehow captured the reality of a person to person conversation but all by yourself."
*mantel - your editor.
I would know your words without your name attached to them.
Yeah you can pull off the Alice Cooper. Not that your quite lovely in another light.
You candor is respectable.
Please never change it
OK, you're an exception, because I know you have exquisite taste in rabbits.
"I literally tell people you're like shots of tequila. OK here and there but too much and you'll end up wandering the streets in an unknown city." (#parentingwin)
Ah yes. You are on the muse end of the stick.
Your unknown is bringing clarity. I need to visit you more often. Your uniqueness and confident strides in directions new to many of us is invigorating.
My brain would really love nothing more than to square dance with yours (...what a fabulously weird sentence..)! ❤
"You are St. Deb of Understatement. Your mannor of speaking on the phone alludes to the possibility of you having perfect comedic timing."
I love the way you elevate it all to poetry
"You're the Pirate Queen."
Go, baby. I'm right next to you. |
2. You’re like the goddam battery
Deb - I think you are using terms that are not defined in a way I can respond to.
"You shouldn't worry about losing the (Mongolian sheep) knee even though you found it. You've still got your brain. Beats the weirdness of anything else. "
You're a treasure, Deb. A joy working with you.
"Your mind is complicated."
"You've been an absolute Gift from Heaven. and you can put my name on that." - Dr. Brotherson
3.Thanks Deb, I knew you'd know what to do
I had to read that just to hear about your termites.
You are eminently quotable.

...well aware of her lyrical vomiting
I see your light, lady… the vomit is just a bonus
Deb: just draw the damn avocado!
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