Feels vs. Cycles - Closed Double Helix Model

The Universe is cyclical. It's more than that, though, isn't it? Here we go with semantics again.

When we say we feel something, we observe with more than just our eyes. We are collecting data through organic functions:  taste, smell, sight, sound touch, other senses to be determined. Let's call a set of the undetermined "potential." The data is stored, waiting to be processed. If not processed, the data will be pushed down to make way for puzzles which can be solved now.  We like resolution. The jumble of unresolved potential just waits for more pieces to be discovered.

I will proceed with this meaning of the word 'feel'.

The collection of data we've accrued since childhood does not have a solid definition for everything we feel.  But we do feel a situation is familiar even if we haven't been in that place and time before. We try to identify a possible set of decisions that caused us to be in that same place, that same feeling.

Feeling broke, feeling alone, feeling lost.

It's either habit or human nature to assign blame either to ourselves or to other humans for having arrived here again. Now I'm working two threads: pay attention.

I think it's far more interesting to determine where we got the data that makes this situation feel familiar. Our magnificent brains can assign memories to incoming data - memories that actually have nothing to do with now. I have a particular incense that reminds me of a time in my life where I didn't use incense. It's dark, warm, welcome and sad, like a basement where my favorite things are boxed.

If you feel lost, take the time to identify what specifically you feel with your senses. Does it remind you of another time you felt lost? Chop off - sharply and at the head - any wish to blame a person, even if it's yourself.  There may be fault, but it isn't helpful to blame. It's okay to objectively note negative interactions with another person, so as to avoid them later.

We feel things come around, like a cycle.  I have up days and down days. However, we sometimes feel a downward or upward spiral, yeah?  A helix is a spring-shape, slowly curving - I think the descent is easier to notice because it's uncomfortable. There's also a slow ascent but we enjoy it and don't take notice. Pain is easier to remember.

I'm going to start working with my life as a Closed Double Helix - an intertwined set joined at each end. Not a reversal; not winding back up the same path of the descent, but able to proceed forward always. There is a plateau at each end, before the work begins again.When I feel lost, I'll try to pinpoint where I am on the closed double helix model. Ascending, descending, moving. All ways.

Life has its ups and downs, but any move is rarely a straight shot.  A roller coaster is often a good metaphor, depending whether or not you like roller coasters.  There are ups, downs, wild loops and plateaus.  Roller coaster metaphor also lends well to Theism:  designed by someone outside the system who may or may not be riding it.

The closed double helix seems more controlled and balanced; more navigable, even if a roller coaster sometimes feels more accurate.


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