A Day Job is Hard When Your Head Is Full of Ravens.

Deconstructed Crow 1 - Fibonacci (in progress)
I'm making phone calls, entering data, but all the inside of my head is wings. My brain is rendering raven feathers in pencil and ink, in paint, in chalk, in actual feathers. They beat against the inner wall of my skull; beaks and claws scrape across the sphenoid. The phone rings; I pick it up. I can barely hear a voice through rustling wings, but I answer the question. It's almost lunch-time; then I'll be able to empty my head onto paper, fix down the ideas with Scotch tape.
in progress

Yes, I'm messy.

I sleep early, wake up earlier. Put on my baja shirt to go outside, crispy-frost grass under my boots. 

YES - the air is icy and clear enough to see everything: Orion, the Sisters, the Twins, the Crab, the God of War; my namesake the Scorpion hides just under the horizon. I know where he is though he can't be seen, always opposite the hunter. When I was small I used to dream of being Cassiopeia in her chair.

My boots clop down the road where I visit my tree-friend, the one who tells me prophecies. He's sleeping. On the side of the road I find a curious stack I know to be tree bones butchered. There's a cold-resistant banana - Musa basjoo - that's popular and almost invasive around here. I've seen the carcasses before. This one must have been a grandfather.

In the yard I move the pitchfork, stick it in the ground just so when you stand between it and my red cottage door you're looking at the face in the trees.

Tomorrow is a day for pencils and ink. 

enhanced photo of Comet 46P/Wirtanen, in my yard

Further Reading: 

Growing Cold-Hardy Bananas - Gardening Knowhow  Some of these bananas can be invasive; research carefully.

25 Benefits of Gardening - Happy DIY Home  If you know me, you know I prescribe gardening to fix writer's block, general ennui and malaise, and solving Gordian knots. Happy DIY Home agrees.

A friend sent me a response to this post via email rather than in the comments section.  She said: "Sometimes a raven is like a writing desk."  And that was the BEST answer ever.  This article gives several possible answers to the famous riddle. 

See the finished Art - Deconstructed Corvid 1 
Fine Art prints are available through American Frame. If you're buying a copy of Fibonacci- Deconstructed Corvid 1, I *highly* recommend you purchase the frame package. It's an odd size and it will be difficult to fit into a mat and frame  yourself. American Frame does good work; I use them all the time.


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