Things the Moon Knows

The moon told me tonight a plainer version of a truth I've always known.

It's not full any longer - waning, we say - and there's a fine lace of cloud cover stretched above the yard. I notice that the moon is enhanced, brighter, seems to be glowing, as a thin veil crosses its face. When the moon shines between clouds, the sky is dark and the edges of the sphere delineated.

We, too, shine brighter when we are filtered through challenge. People notice our energy while we struggle toward the surface. At peace, when the skies are clear, we seem calm, linear; it's easy for the observer to move along after looking upon a placid face. 

But the moon shining through opposition takes our breath away. 

Happy Christmas to you, my menagerie. 
Cinco de Mayo ca. 2000, Palm Springs, CA


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