Love from the Twitterverse - Blogs to Investigate

The friend who suggested (read: signed me up for) Twitter has recused herself from my universe.  This is really okay.  All humans have the inalienable right to do what's best for them at any given time. They have the right to change tack - please remember that, for yourself and for anyone you know.

That said, I've gotten a glimpse of the horror stories, but my twittersperience has been pretty okay so far.  I'm networking, I tell people, and I actually am.  I'm building a web of people who won't tell me whether I should date or dump somebody, but will tell me it's okay to wake up at 0400 hours to edit a manuscript - in fact, it's recommended by some.  I could follow people who scream politics or watery platitudes, and I could froth at the mouth whilst telling people what I think they should believe or not - but I don't.  It's been suggested that people get from Twitter what they bring to it, and I can see a grain of truth there - that's true of life in general, isn't it?  Yes, it is. That's what all the platitudes are for, if you want them. And that's what tribes are for. Thank you, Tribe.

Today I'm here to reciprocate what The Frosted Pineapple did for me and a gazillion other twittering bloggers. I don't have room for everyone here, so I'm going to tell you about several of the blogpeople I've met in the Twitterverse and what they love. Many of these focus on mental health, because your brain is a part of you and deserves attention.

Do this for me:  if you read a post you enjoy, Please Share It.  Use Facebook, twitter, whatever platform occupies your day and your friends. Share the joy.

The Frosted Pineapple 
A Canadian based blogger who enjoys writing posts about living your best life while staying in your budget. You can usually find me with a mug in my hands by the fireplace in winter, or in my garden during summer.

Bearded Igor Blogs
from deb - There's not really an explanation for this one - that's why I like it.

The Girl Who Drools When She Sleeps
 Hello, my name is Elissa Renee and blogging is therapeutic to me. ♥ my comments are turned off, because im more focused on being heard than receiving negative feedback. ♥ i write what is on my mind, letters to my future husband, showing my love/support to bahamians, showcasing my art (paintings) to the world, music i'm listening too, and the blogging community on twitter.

The (other) C Word
from deb - no introduction on this website; C stands for Cancer. Here's someone telling real-time stories about living.

from deb - Mona Andrei is one of my favorite daily twitterers. She makes life look normal. Her blog is about singlemomhood, something I've known, and writing, and perhaps hamsters.

Rubber Shoes In Hell
I adore blogging and I know that writing has had a positive impact on my mental health. I have explored parental narcissism, depression, anxiety, and menopause. These excavations are not always pleasant or easy, but have been worth it.
I’m digging finding my voice.
I’m glad you are here with me.

Over-Analyzing Children's Books
I’ve read to my son since before he was born (in 2016), and with every book, I think about the messages the book is sending him.
“Hmmm… why are all the dinosaurs male? No wonder they died out!”
“Why are the frogs in the reptile section?!?! They’re amphibians! Oh, they’re saying that’s where you’d see them at the zoo… how confusing.” 

And that's why you should learn to pick your battles - The Bloggess
from deb - this is the one that started everything for me, including believing there may be a market for my insanity.  Because there might.  Jenny keeps us all going. 


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